


One-StopShop Provider

All things freezer storage

Custom Biogenic Systems (CBS) aims to be your one-stop-shop provider for all things freezer storage. This of course, includes a myriad of freezer accessories from monitoring equipment to personal protective equipment and more. This page was designed to give a quick overview of our different freezer accessory categories. If you need more information or would like to speak with a representative, please contact us. We also partner with several distributors that can help you better bundle your purchases.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Cryo-aprons, cryo-gloves, face shields and more. If working cold temperatures, ask us about PPE.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Step For Carousel Freezers

Step attachment for Isothermal Freezers are available to better see and operate the storage carousel. 


Each box contains a set of 12 Cryomarker pens. When ordering, specify color – black, blue, red, or green.  Once color pen per box. 


Sample Retrieval Devices

Storing in a large chest freezer? We offer different sample retrieval devices to minimize the time the freezer lid must be open.

Sample Retrieval Devices


Cryogenic dewars can be heavy and difficult to move. Cryo-carts help manipulate different dewars into place.


Cryogenic (LN2) Hoses

We offer a variety of jacketed and non-jacketed LN2 hoses to connect your long-term storage freezer to your supply source.

Cryogenic (LN2) Hoses

Tank Switchers

Tank Switchers are designed to sense when a supply tank runs dry and automatically switch to a fresh tank with limited supply interruption.

Tank Switchers

Carts & Roller Bases

Similar to cryo-carts, more permanent carts and roller bases have been designed to move controlled rate freezers and dewars more easily.

Carts & Roller Bases

Commonly Ordered Accessories

Below is a list of our most ordered freezer accessories and their list pricing. Whether you are ordering a cart to better control your dewars or you are planning a new laboratory build, this short list of popular accessories may be a good starting point. Contact us today to place your order.

Part Number
Product Description
2101 Controlled Rate Freezer Cart
Large, Waterproof CryoApron
CryoGlove, Waterproof, Mid Arm Length, Large (14 to 15-Inches)
Step for Carousel Freezer
Tank Switcher